The Print Register is used to record prints, plots, photocopies, etc. 

Figure 1.1 - Print Register

A table of print/plot sizes and types can be created and costs can be allocated to them. The print costs for a selected project between selected dates can then be determined for project costing purposes.


How prints are entered in this list depends upon the processes used in the office for producing prints, plots and photocopies. For example, some offices may use a photocopier that requires the selection of a project number before making copies. The photocopier register can then be periodically entered into the print register. 

Some offices may have an individual responsible for creating prints and he/she can directly enter these into the print register. Many offices use manually entered lists to record prints/copies and the print register can directly replace any paper based recording methods.


Selecting the Prints button on the main Dashboard opens the Print Register with the date set to the current date for convenience. 

At the bottom of the window the total number of prints and the total cost are shown. These will automatically update as prints are entered in the list.

Selecting New, will open the new print dialog:


Figure 1.2 - New Print



Enter the number of prints/copies etc.



Select the type of print from the pull down menu (this is selected from the list created above)



Select the size of the print/copy


Cost and Total cost

The cost per print and total cost are automatically entered from the appropriate values in the print list created above.